Zambian LED Guidelines for Local Authorities

Strategic Plans
Feb 2024
December 15, 2016

The Zambian Local Economic Development (LED) Guidelines for Local Authorities aim to support LED planning, coordination and implementation within all districts. The Guidelines are not intended to be prescriptive and are supported by a LED Trainers’ Resource Handbook. The Guidelines and Handbook were developed as part of the LED pilot programme, Improving Local Government Service Provision, Community Participation and Economic Potential in Zambia, led by the Ministry of Local Government (MLG), the Local Government Association of Zambia (LGAZ), and the four pilot local authorities – Chipata, Kitwe, Kabwe and Kaoma. It was supported by the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF). The pilot was informed by the National Decentralisation Policy (NDP), which enables local authorities and citizens to exercise control over local affairs and to foster meaningful development. The Guidelines consist of six Modules:

1. What is LED?

2. Zambian LED Context

3. Planning and Budgeting for LED

4. Institutionalising LED

5. Driving LED

6. Monitoring and Measuring LED